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How To Give Thieves the Creeps This Halloween


3 Scary Ways You Can Smarten Up Your Home Security System

You don’t need to live in a haunted house to stop thieves from breaking into your home. Although ghouls, goblins, and ghosts keep even the bravest burglars at bay, there’s a spookier way to maintain a secure property. A smart home security system is a terrifying addition to your home automation system. Install one in your Frisco, TX, home, and it gives any intruder a real fright.

In case you think this is a run-of-the-mill security system that simply says “boo” when an alarm is triggered, think again! Today’s smart security systems come with a range of features that are frighteningly effective at securing your home. In this blog, we’ll discuss three ways a top-notch system keeps your family safe and the burglars out.

SEE ALSO: Smart Security Solutions from An Alarm.com Dealer

Smart Cameras Give Them the Creeps!

Is something unusual happening on your property? We’re not talking about a stray cat or even trick-or-treaters. Instead of looking out your window for an unwelcome guest, let your surveillance cameras do the work for you. Today’s smart cameras not only detect unusual activity, but they track and recognize objects. If the system identifies a problem, you’ll know about it immediately.

Also, if your son or daughter comes home late at night, the security system won’t sound the alarm. Because your smart cameras use face-recognition technology, they can tell the difference between a family member and a stranger. These aren’t static cameras that simply record. They are always active and always ready to keep you informed.

Do You Sense an Eerie Disturbance?

It’s nighttime. You can only see so far when you look out the windows. Beyond the porch light and into your yard, it’s pitch black. Fortunately, your smart home security system sees in the dark. When you implement smart sensors in various zones throughout your property – inside and out – you create virtual tripwires that nobody can cross undetected. Some smart security sensors even alert you when someone loiters on your property for too long or a package is left.

In addition, many smart cameras capture crystal-clear footage at night. Nobody can hide when you have these cameras monitoring your property. Open up your smart home tablet to view live footage, and you’ll see people as plain as day.

Scare Them Away with Lights & Audio

Imagine this. An intruder steps foot on your property and is slowly making his way up to your house. But before he walks a few feet, he’s blinded by floodlights! A smart home security system, when integrated with landscape lighting, is an effective way to send intruders scurrying. After all, burglars do their business at night because they can’t be seen. However, your security system detects activity and sheds light on the problem. It creates an inhospitable work environment for thieves.

At the same time, if you really want to scare them away, add audio into the mix. Alarms and sirens may wake the neighbors, but they also send burglars running. And for those porch pirates, why not install a video doorbell with two-way communication? When your home security system alerts you, warn the intruder that they’re being recorded. It’s a sure way to send shivers up their spines.

Make your home too scary for trespassers to enter by installing a smart security system. Get started by calling Simpele at (855) 746-7353, chatting with us on this page, or filling out our online contact form. We look forward to hearing from you.

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